Pathways to Health

On Wellness Day, the Class of 2019, The Difference Makers, learned there are many pathways to health. In Medina County, there are many doors where help is available. From the Health Department and Free Clinic to our local hospitals to addiction resources, our community is working together to make sure everyone is receiving health care…

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“PIT” Crew Helps with County-wide Homeless Count

Project is a Leadership Medina County Class of 2019 Initiative Each year in late January, counties nation-wide participate in a count of their citizens, both sheltered and unsheltered, experiencing homelessness.  Known as the Point In Time, or “PIT”, count, the information is used to help the nation document progress towards ending homelessness, and help the…

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A Humbling Experience – Walking a mile in their shoes

Leadership Medina County spent Human Services Day walking a mile in the shoes of people living in poverty. The following are some comments from the day. I was a 10 year old during the poverty simulation and I watched how stressed out my “parents” were just trying to take care of everything. There wasn’t enough…

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If you asked Adam Friedrick why local goverment works so well, he would say it is because of subsidiarity – local governement handles issues at the lowest level. The Class of 2019 explored the workings of local government and safety forces and the impact it makes in Medina County. “I appreciated Commissioner Frederick’s lecture this…

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Devoted to History

Every Signature Leadership class begins the year with Medina County History. It’s a time to celebrate the workers who devote themselves to sharing many community stories and bringing them to life. It’s a time to raise awareness in our leaders about the life of early settlers in Medina County and the people who had the tenacity…

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Annette Wissel named 1,000th

Leadership Medina County now has over 1,000 participants! Congratulations to Annette Wissel, Class of 2019, Medina County Career Center , Executive Administrative Assistant who was selected at the Opening Retreat as the 1,000th partcipant!

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September Leading Edge

  Welcome to the Leading Edge Newsletter! Thank you to our alumni that chose to become Lifetime Members Donald Baker, 1997 Rick Dumperth, 2013 Nicole Florio, 2012 James Gerspacher, 1993 Jeff Holland, 1996 Joel Hlavaty, 2014 Steve Hummel, 2006 Gary Linden, 1993 George “Hub” Marquis, 1997 Greg Oaks, 2001 Don Simmons, 1992 Mike Warner Sr.,…

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Signature Class Selects Four Projects

Thanks to a team of alumni and community volunteers, the following diverse projects were presented to the Signture Class during the Opening Retreat. Interested in helping or have an idea for the future? Contact to get involved. Plastic Pollution Description: According to a 2017 National Geographic, 91% of plastic isn’t recycled and recycling in…

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