The Good Times


Leave your class year and your favorite memories in the comments! We want to hear how Leadership Medina County impacted you! Of course we want the funnies too!


  1. Jamie Stilla on at

    LMC was such an awesome opportunity to build new friendships and learn about our amazing county. I feel so fortunate to live and work here. My favorite memories were probably from the Agriculture Day. I am pretty sure we had the coldest day EVER and my toes were frozen the whole day. However, I loved every minute from seeing the animals to visiting the farms and eating delicious food. It was such a fun day!

  2. Karen Gaub on at

    My favorite class memory was having the opportunity to see behind the scenes of the juvenile court. My team got to role play the entire drug court process, including standing before Judge Dunn! We met with a public defender and key court personnel and participated in a mock trial. The entire experience was fascinating and I was surprised to learn that the court is truly trying to help these youths be successful. The focus is on building a successful future, not just punishing past actions. It was a very meaningful experience and I am grateful to have had the opportunity.

  3. Ted Klimczak on at

    One of my favorite memories was the way we got our class name, the Class on Fire. As we can’t speak of that though 😉 another favorite memory was from the poverty simulation. It was very eye opening to not only see the daily struggles that many of us take for granted, (like transportation to work for example) but also encouraging to learn about all of the resources that are available that I was also unaware existed. I was one of the children in the simulation and Brian Kerns and Susana Lewis were my father and mother respectively. It was really fun and I was truly a rotten kid (for the simulation) so I felt bad for making them run all over trying to get me food, childcare, etc. I hope my kids are better than I was pretending to be!

  4. Joel Hlavaty on at

    Maybe not my “favorite,” but my most eye-opening class day was the poverty simulation. I was amazed how easy it was to get sent to jail, and how hard it is for people living in poverty to earn a living, buy food, obtain transportation, etc. While we read about such experiences, it made me realize and understand better the difficulties many people encounter on a daily basis, and how fortunate I and so many others are. The “favorite” class day was the government day in Columbus, or more specifically, the dinner and drinks the night before with my classmates.

  5. Susan Ungham on at

    One of my favorite Leadership memories happened during a group activity about animal temperaments during my class retreat for the Visionary Class of 2013. We were instructed to split off into groups by animal temperaments. One of my classmates, Seth Kujat, shared that he identified with both the Foxes and the Dolphins and couldn’t decide which group he should join. He approached the Fox group first and explained his problem to them. The Foxes said, “If you don’t know, you are not a Fox.” Seth approached the Dolphin group next and explained the problem. The Dolphins said, “Stay with us and we will help you figure it out.” It was a perfect illustration of some differences between Foxes and Dolphins!

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