October Class Notes
’99 The Dynamic
Nancy Likens retired from the Wadsworth Center for Older Adults in September. Read more here:
’03 The Futurist

Kathy Breitenbucher was named Advisory Council Member of the Year for the
’12 The Rain/Shine Class
’14 The Class on Fire
Kathy Warner has accepted the position as the new Job Development Services Manager at Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates.
Ann Plazek, Outreach Services Manager at the Medina District Library, was one of three persons in the country awarded the John Philip Excellence in Outreach honor by the Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services. The award is presented in recognition of outstanding contributions and prominent leadership in outreach services.
’17 The Collaborators
Jamie Stilla has accepted a promotion to be the Manager of the Lodi Library.
’18 Self Driven Class
Michelle Reese received the Greater Akron Chamber 30 for the Future Award. Read more here: https://greaterakronchamber.org/about-the-chamber/chamber-press-room/chamber-press/2020/chamber-announces-2020-30-for-the-future-recipient
’19 Difference Makers
Amber McClain received a promotion to be a Family Integration Therapist.
Andrea Reedy and her husband recently purchased Dance d’Elegance in Medina.
Edward Hopson has been accepted to the Project Learn Board.