Innovation Inspiration!

Evolve or die.  It’s not only true in science.

Last week community leaders in healthcare, food service/social entrepreneurship and music shared phenomenal stories on how they are finding new ways to address and bring positive change to issues that impact us all.

This combined LMC/JrLMC Regional Day made its own impact. Junior Leadership participants: “It was so interesting to hear about how they are constantly evolving and bettering themselves.”  “It was amazing to see the workers do a phenomenal job despite their circumstances.” “It brought hope to seemingly impossible.” ” I enjoyed hearing how he’s using music to positively influence the world. The arts are so important – Dominick was a great reminder of that.” “Good points about how he found what he is truly passionate about, and we should, too.”

Leaders and leadership have so many faces, and come from so many varied directions.  The possibilities extend far beyond our vision.  Yet they always have one commonality: You must lead.

What inspires you?

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