Class Notes: July 2016
’92 The Charter
Frank Festi, Rea & Associates, Inc., delivered Muskingum University’s baccalaureate service which was held May 7, 2016.
’00 The Spirited
Sheriff Tom Miller, Medina County Sheriff’s Department, has recently been appointed by the Medina County Commissioners to the Medina County Alcohol Drug and Mental Health Board (ADAMH) through June of 2019. This is the 5th tour of duty with the ADAMH Bd. for Sheriff Miller. On May 10 Governor Kasich has reappointed Sheriff Tom Miller to the Ohio Collaborative Community Police Advisory Board through April 29th, 2019.
’03 The Futurist
Valerie Rapp, Homestead Insurance Agency, has been elected to President of the Leadership Medina County Board.
’06 The Enterprising
Peggy Reeves, Medina County Career Center, was hired by the Medina County Career Center Board of Education as the new Director of Adult and Continuing Education.
’10 The Social Class
Lori Hogue, Educational Service Center of Medina County, daughter gave birth to their first grandson on June 9, Beckett Curtis Cerepak weighing 7.4oz, 20 1/2 inches.
’12 The Rain/Shine Class
Connie King, Baldwin Wallace University, has been elected to the Leadership Medina County Board.
’13 The Visionary Class
Gordon Bowen, Lifebanc, recently became the President for the Association of Organ Procurement Organizations (AOPO) for July 2016-June 2017. With that position, he will also be added as a board member to the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) from July 2016- June 2018.
Ellen Hunter, Hunter Insurance Agency, has been appointed to the Medina Hospital Foundation Board of Directors. She attended her first meeting in June and is looking forward to serving in this new capacity.
Susan Ungham, has been elected to Vice President of the Leadership Medina County Board and a Member-at-Large of the Medina Chorus Board.
’14 The Class On Fire
Lee Pickler, Baldwin Wallace University, has been elected to the Leadership Medina County Board.
’15 The Bridge Builders Class
Ben Faris, Black & Veatch, welcomed his second child Lyla Rae Faris on 6/16 weighing 9lb 8oz. He also has been elected to Secretary of the Leadership Medina County Board.
’15 Emerging Leaders
Beth Shotwell, Medina Creative Housing, has been elected to the Leadership Medina County Board.
’13 Jr. LMC
John Hojnacki, Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., Medina Creative Housing, has been elected to the Leadership Medina County Board.