Northern Medina County Chamber Alliance Lunch-n-Learn
Basic First Aid/CPR/AED
Learn how to save a life with LEARN CPR.
Presented by Rachel Rexroad; a professional fire-fighter, paramedic and founder of LEARN CPR. This Lunch and Learn will teach you how to handle the 5 life threatening emergencies: severe bleeding, choking, overdoses, not breathing and anaphylaxis. The session is interactive and engaging. Wear comfortable clothing to practice in (no high heels) and learn life saving skills. Please don’t miss this life saving class, bring your staff, or managers to freshen up on their skills. You never know when a life threatening emergency can happen, and the minutes before emergency help can arrive are very crucial!
This event is open to members AND non-members of the chamber for $15.
Registration is REQUIRED. Please click here to register.