Junior Leaders Graduate, Leadership Commences

By Susan Vlcek, JrLMC Director

On the last day of March 175 community leaders, friends and family celebrated 40 members of the JrLMC Class of 2016 at their graduation banquet. They heard those young leaders share how they, empowered by their JrLMC experience, intend to make a positive impact on their world.

When? In their future career? After they earn a degree, pursue a trade or serve in the military?

Now.  Today.

There is a reason that graduation is more formally known as commencement.  Rather than a time of completion, it is a time of transition.  A time to look at what you have learned and find ways for that learning to make you – and those around you – better.

Another JrLMC class has graduated.  They now commence greater service to each other and their community, particularly through six projects designed and implemented by this class in collaboration with alumni from the JrLMC Class of 2015. All six projects are a testament to the insight, passion and commitment of these community leaders.

Feel like you’re missing out on all the fun?  You, too, can be part of the change!  Read on, and share with those who can benefit!


Don’t You Wish You Had Known This Before?!

How prepared did you feel in your transition from high school to continuing education?  And how about your children – were all their questions answered?

The majority of high school students are feeling an overwhelming sense of uncertainty, concern and even fear about their next life steps.  School selection, career decisions, financial implications and more can all lead to anxiety and stress.

Through their interactions with community leaders and JrLMC alumni who have taken part in our program days, our Jr. Leadership class has brought these concerns into focus and found a way to address the stress.  Hence, the class project entitled Here’s to Your Future!

You probably know a student or two who would be grateful to have some of that weight lifted!  Share these details with them:

  • Thursday, Apr. 28, 4-6pm
  • Medina High School’s Senior Commons
  • Interested students from across the county will have an opportunity to speak with local engineers, educators, businesspersons, medical personnel and other professional about the realities of and opportunities in their profession.
  • Students/recent college graduates will also be there to share their perspective in small group settings.
  • Kent State’s David Garcia, Senior Associate Vice President for Strategic Enrollment Management, will do an interactive Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?  presentation that will help students discern how they can get the education they want without amassing student loan debt.
  • Representatives from the University of Akron, Kent State, Tri-C, and Ashland University will attend.
  • Food will be provided!

Please contact the Leadership Medina County office or Susan Vlcek @ jrlmc@leadershipmedinacounty.org for more information.  Thank you for your part in this youth-led venture!

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