Innovation Lights Up New Day

Leadership Medina County’s Signature and Junior Leadership classes embarked on a new class day in January called Regional Innovation Day. Suzy Addleman, Heather Wuensch, and Jody Wheaton from the Class of 2017 planned the day with Colleen Rice, Susan Vlcek, and Sarah Arend.

Innovation Day included visits to the JH Combs Idea Lab, Edwin’s, and Tri-C’s Corporate College. Our featured speaker was Dominick Farinacci.

The class had a lot to say about the day. Read their comments below.

“Whether you are the Cleveland Clinic or Dominic…you can look for ways to help the community.” Ben Walker

“The Cleveland Clinic Innovation Center was eye opening. I wasn’t aware of their new product ideation and development.” Beth Kereszturi

“The metaphor of jazz music as a collaborative leadership opportunity was eye opening and inspiring and rings true. Being creative to create social change and support your community while also using your true passion and talent is an amazing way to live and a goal I am inspired to achieve each day. Whether it’s through technological innovations, culinary arts or music, a great idea can change lives and touch many.” Suzie Muniak

“I Loved Edwin’s. It was so wonderful to see a hometown supporting and welcoming back into their society those that truly want to change for the better.” Erin Cline

“My aha moment was at Edwin’s Leadership and Restaurant Institute witnessing the amazing results of the program in action.” Brian Charnigo

“Celebrating….The entire innovation lab at the Cleveland Clinic, the fabulous lunch and the talent of Dominick Farinacci and his work for veterans. Aha!…Edwin’s. That success can be built on helping others move forward from difficult life events – I hope this venture has a long, successful history.” Susy Lora

Don’t give up. Something that breathes within ourselves can change the world.” Patrick McDonald

“The only limit a person has are those they put on themselves. The sky is truly the limit. Passion = success. If a person can find their passion they can use that to do remarkable things wherever they are. Past mistakes can only limit a person if they are unwilling to learn from them and move forward.” Amy Rutledge

“Intrigued with the afternoon presentation on jazz music and innovation. It really tied together social awareness and was very thought provoking. The music found a way to bring together people of different ages, backgrounds, cultures, etc. to try to understand a person’s personal journey.” Mary Isaac

“I have know that the Cleveland Clinic was a leader in the health field but I never knew why or how. After visiting the Cleveland Clinic and seeing how they support new innovations and provide resources for new advancements I now know how they got were they are. Just being in the JH Combs Ideation Suite made me want to gather a group of people and brainstorm new ideas.” Mike Stiles

“I learned there are many different ways to be innovative. I would not have thought that a “world renowned trumpeter” could be so innovative in giving back and reaching out to our veterans. It is inspiring and that motivates me to think outside of the “norm” in how I can contribute.” Debra Cordell

“The entire day was worth celebrating from beginning to end. As I sat there and listened to Dominick Farinacci play and speak, it all clicked into place with the thought that innovation can happen anywhere and everywhere, and it takes so many different shapes.” Danica Zeise

“This day was full of aha moments, but if I had to boil it down to one thought it would be that as leaders one of our main priorities should be to seek and encourage innovation as often as possible. That an organization must innovate in order to grow and make an impact and sometimes that means nurturing the simple of ideas.” Patti Hetkey


  1. Danica Zeise on at

    Thank you Junior Leaders for sharing Innovation day with the Signature Class. You are all amazing. It was wonderful celebrating “what’s right in this world,” together.

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