Baby Shark Doo Doo Doo Doo

If you don’t have young children, that title probably doesn’t move you to nausea. But if you are aware of the YouTube craze, this is not about the song. This is about the Venture Groups (similar to the Signature Projects)that the juniors have been working on all year. Last month, the groups encountered the “Shark Tank” and pitched their philanthropic ideas, business plans, budgets and all. Here are the amazing projects they will be rolling out before the school year is up:
Medina County Juvenile Detention Center “Kare Kits”
The residents of the Medina County Juvenile Detention Center often are released to unfriendly and even toxic environments. When they return home, if they return home, there are not always the essentials that they need to accommodate their daily basic needs. The “Kare Kit” group will be creating bags of essentials (shampoo, soap, 2-1-1 cards) to send with residents as they exit the MCJDC to help give hope and prevent recidivism.
The Plastics
We have all heard about the damage plastic is doing to our environment. The Plastics are going to create a booth for the Earth Day event held at Buffalo Creek on Saturday, April 27th and conducting an exciting game taking people through the ins and outs of recycling properly.
One Life Many Stories
The Juniors will host a multi-generational event with participants from Pearlview Rehabilitation Center who will be “open books.” Come hear
about their fascinating past experiences on April 13th at the Medina Library.
Seeing the Ability
The Society for Handicapped Citizens has many clients who are non-communicative. This has led to frustration and isolation. The Seeing the Ability group has researched and found apps that can be loaded onto donated devices allowing residents to express their needs more effectively to others.
Disasters are Everywhere
You never know when a disaster is going to strike. The Health Department of Medina County has charged JrLMC with creating a blue print disaster kit for people to follow and be prepared in the event that they would have to evacuate due to an emergency.
Junior Leadership Awareness Group
The JrLMC Awareness group hosted an event recently at the Medina County University Center that brought in 30 sophomores and parents, all whom were interested in joining Junior Leadership next year.

What’s in the Bag
Feeding Medina County provides weekender bags to children at schools where the population needs it most. Without these bags of groceries, some children would be facing the real possibility of not seeing a meal between Friday’s lunch at school and Monday’s lunch at school—and yet the bags carried with them a stigma and kids did not want to take them home. What’s in the Bag was charged with making the bags fun and inviting and creating a youtube channel with cooking inspirations featuring “Cheffy” the Chef.